Let’s talk comics!
No, let’s talk politics!
Eh, that’s not right, either. Let’s talk comics and politics!!!
Leave it up to me to meld the two, but us Americans (not to mention the rest of the world) just experienced something so groundbreaking, they’ll be teaching kids about it in US schools until the end of time, so it’s kind of difficult not to be political in a blog that I’m writing 2 days after an amazing election.
Granted, Steven Colbert did not win. Not even in the Marvel Universe. This is not a good time for the GOP. Maybe he should have run in the DC Universe’s Bizzaro World. And fuck you Spell Checker for telling me “Bizzaro” isn’t a real word.
(**Note: I just went over this whole thing after proofing it and it's long. No, forget that, it's fucking huge. So, be warned if you don't give 2 shits about comic books or what I think about comic books, don't even bother reading this and wasting your time. Seriously, I didn't even bother with bold lettering my usual points of interest. And humor isn't going to save me this go around, because, well, this blog just isn't very funny. There's really not much room for cynical humor when it comes to the comics industry. Not for me. Unless you're a DC comic, in which case you're a joke unto yourself.)
There have been some really great comics that have been coming out lately that are direct reflections to today’s world events. As usual, I’m going to primarily focus on Marvel because as we all know I don’t do DC, with the exception of Vertigo and on some very rare occasions Wildstorm, so I have no idea what their idiot, bland comics are about. Probably yet another Infinite something-or-other. Makes me want to take an Infinite Dump. Anyway, Spider-Man!!!! God damn, I love Spider-Man. Always have, always will. Especially this month since there are 2, count ‘em 2, back-to-back issues that I can relevantly talk about. The first being The Amazing Spider-Man #573.
This issue not only ties up the very cool ‘New Ways to Die’ story-line (welcoming back the penciling genius of John Romita Jr), but it included an 8-page story featuring Steven Colbert in all of his truthiness glory. Needless to say, it was pretty damned funny. From Colbert’s despair at possibly not winning the election and doing the whole “Spider-Man No More” scenario (including the panel of him walking away from the garbage can he left his tie and jacket in, straight outta Amazing #50), to accidentally getting mixed up in a fight between Spidey and The Grizzly (of all things) and thinking he was in the midst of an assassination attempt, to swinging off with the web head, it was ridiculous, it was funny, and it was a great end to all of the “Colbert ‘08” signs that have been popping up in the comics for the past few months. There’s even a cool variant cover from Joe Quesada himself based on Amazing Fantasy #15’s iconic cover The regular cover is a badass rendition by Romita, Jr of Norman Osborn/Green Goblin ready to throw down. There's also a pretty sweet looking zombie variant, but, honestly, I am so fucking sick of all of the zombie bullshit. Enough already!
God damnit. I just spilled coffee down the front of myself. I hate these idiotic sippy lids they make us put on our cups at work.
Okay, a week or 2 later, we get Amazing Spider-Man #574 (it comes out 3 times a month now), starring Peter Parker’s old friend and former high school tormentor Eugene “Flash” Thompson. It was kind of cool to see him since it’s been a while and he’s had such a big impact on Peter, making Parker the person he is. (A note to all of you bullies: all you were doing is building our characters, so by the time it mattered, we were doing awesome and you were probably still a bunch of worthless assholes.) I always thought that Flash was kind of a neat character. Even though he beat on “Puny” Parker, he was the founder and president of the Spider-Man fan club. Oh, comic book irony, I love you. Because of this he found himself in some bad spots, like being mistaken for Spider-Man and donning the mantle of the Green Goblin for a stint. Jesus, who hasn’t been the Goblin at one point or another, in one form or another? Well, later on Flash stopped being a right schmuck and he and Peter became friends. He did a stint in the military and ended up teaching Phys Ed at the same high school Peter briefly taught Science at. He’s been kind of MIA for a while (no pun intended).
The whole story is a recollection Flash is giving from a hospital bed to a General interviewing him for the Medal of Honor. Flash goes into detail of how his squad is attacked while checking out an Iraqi village and how he saved the life of one of his teammates or whatever they call each other at great expense to himself. Turns out the expense was the loss of his legs. Pretty powerful stuff considering Flash Thompson has been an on again/off again major character. Throughout the story, the writer equates Flash's selfless actions to those of Spider-Man, tying it all together. A lot of people are going off saying that this was just pro-war propoganda and that it made Iraqi soldiers look inhuman and crazed and yadda yadda yadda. Whatever. I, personally, can't stand the military and I think we never should have gone to war to begin with. However, I still feel most of the people over there serving their country are some brave and selfless motherfuckers and this issue is a great tribute to them. I only hope that they get to come home to their families soon and in one piece because, unlike Flash Thompson, they won't be able to get cybernetic legs like he'll be able to (*ahem* Bucky Barnes, Misty Knight, etc).
Next up we've got Thor #11. I've been blown away by the new volume of Thor ever since it started back up a year ago. I've never been a huge Thor fan (with the exception of the disgustingly amazing job Garth Ennis did with the Thor: Vikings mini-series), but with J. Michael Straczynski writing and Olivier Coipel's penciling, it's hard not to become a fan. In this issue Thor gets to say good-bye to Steve Rogers (the 100% deceased Captain America). It is the one year anniversary of Cap's fatal shooting and every televison and radio network is broadcasting about it in their own propoganda-laden ways. Thor "talks" to Cap at his monument, saying his adieus, when the ghost of Steve Rogers appears (believe me, it's a lot cooler than it sounds). He tells Thor that all he wants is a moment's peace and he can't stand the constant chatter that is going on in his name and the way people are twisting his image around to suit their own agendas (perfect metaphor for what the media does to the concept of America). Thor ends up hightailing it up into the atmosphere and takes out a satelite, thus cutting off all media feeds for a few minutes, giving Cap his "moment of silence." Pretty powerful stuff. Of course, Loki (now a female because all women are tricksters) is planting rather poisonous seeds in the head of Thor's brother Baldur and all other Asgardians, which is starting to cause all sorts of problems, but whatever. Fuck them. We're talking about Cap, man.
And speaking of Captain America, last month finally concluded the nearly 2-year run of The Death of Captain America, with the Red Skull, Doctor Faustas, and that crazy robot bastard Arnim Zola being thwarted from fixing the presidential election and the Winter Soldier, also known as the now very much alive Bucky Barnes, becoming the new Captain America. Man, where was he when Florida needed him back in 2000? This story line was the mother of all conspiracies and had more twists than a twizler, but it was pretty damned entertaining. I've never been much for Captain America comics because they've always been pretty hokey, but this was completely hokey free, not to mention dark as hell. It almost played out like a badass James Bond book, minus the suits and martinis.
I present to you the new Capt. America!!!! Believe me, he's a total ass kicker.
Okay, I'm all comic booked out. It is now 4:00 on Monday, meaning it took me 5 days to write this one blog. For fuck sake. I really need to stop trying to write these at work. I think my next blog is going to be about the recent Star Wars kick I've been into these past few weeks. I can pretty much guarantee you that one will be way the hell more funny than this long ass post.
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you say that you proofed the whole thing, but you left in "Leave it up to me to meld the two, but us Americans..." which should be "we Americans." Tsk, tsk.
I have to say man...you mentioned the few comics I read on the Marvel end currently. Magneto: Testament is proving itself a great read.
Anyway...i'll go back to clinging on my thin branch that is DC.
For cryin out loud, Joe.
Justin! Thanks for reading. You're right. Magneto: Testament is a pretty great read. We finally get a concrete telling of Erik Magnus Lensher's past and I'm excited (and sad) to see how the series progresses. Keep your eyes peeled for the new Captain America: White by Loeb and Sale. Should be a good one. DC, huh? heh heh.
Sorry, Shawn. There's a lot of hype on Loeb right now after whatever the hell it was that he did with Hulk.
His script was essentially two pages in my opinion and then it took forever to actually get an issue that felt undersized and largely disappointing.
But I'm checking out Ultimatum and Captain America: White.
Side note: Quite glad Spiderman got another makeover it needed.
DC talk:
MF: RIP with Morrison is incredible.
Johns with Action Comics is gold.
Actually...anything with Johns is typically Gold.
Nightwing is getting better.
Robin still blows.
Superman is heading in the right direction.
Detective Comics feels like a weird Tom Waits song right now.
JSA is one of the best series to date.
JLA...shrug. Needs work.
Superman/Batman...gets old...but the little superhero arc was great.
Green Lantern/and Corps has been top notch lately.
And yes...I LOVE FINAL CRISIS. I'm a huge Jack Kirby man and Morrison is starting to do wonders with the series (finally).
We all know how you feel about DC.
But let's face it...you had to deal with a horrible year with Countdown to Final Crisis, Spoiler being introduced to Robin, and a bunch of editorial room BS.
Look at the team right now...all of DC is being held on the shoulders of Morrison and Johns (strangely like Dionysis and Apollo considering their writing styles).
We can go into the nuts and bolts...but I'll let you draw first blood. Remember...no Marvel is better argument. I don't have to bring up the majority of the 90's to you and Marvels business strategy.
My man! I was actually thinking about asking you what was going on in the DCverse out of morbid curiosity, but I didn't want to look like I was going soft.
Morrison and Johns, eh? Not surprising. Both are excellent writers. I'm sure you noticed that most of Marvel is being carried by Bendis, as usual. Between Ultimatum and Secret Invasion, he's pretty much taken control of everything, which I have no qualms with. Plus, we've got Ennis and Fabry coming back to do a weekly Punisher War Zone, tickling me to no end. I hope you're reading The Boys. People are saying it's better than Preacher. I like it, but, I think they're nuts for saying it tops the exploits of Jesse Custer and Co. My only concern is that War Zone might not be a Max title, since I'm sure they're going to want to market it to everyone due to the movie (which should be rated R if they want to do the Punisher any justice). Have you picked up any of the newest Foolkiller series? Punisher shows up in it and they both go after white supremists. It was poetry. And bloody.
I have been yellow carding Loeb a lot lately (the Red Hulk story, The Ultimates, and 3rd season Heroes leave something to be desired), but his Marvel "color" books with Sale (actually, any books with Sale) are always really well done.
Ah, 90's Marvel. I have no point of reference there. I was too focused on Image. Hahaha! Here was everyone's marketing strategy then: flooding the racks with variant, die-cut, hologram, gatefold, chromium covers. I swear to you, that shit ruined the industry. That and the paper upgrade. That's why indie books became so popular. If we were going to suddenly start spending $3-4 an issue, it had better have good art and/or a good story. Blood and boobs didn't hurt, either (RIP Steve Hughes). You could keep your damned fancy covers and glossy paper. That was the great thing about those DIY books, none of the publishers had the cash to get gimmicky. Comic collectors ain't no dummies (except the ones that followed the Spider Clone saga).
Put up my own blog today
There's a Batman:Cacophony humor post up.
My picks for today on DC end:
Batman Detective Comics 850 - Conclusion of the Heart of Hush arc. Great ending. Leads into RIP and Final Crisis.
Batman Cacophony 1 - Must buy. Kevin Smith did great.
Action Comics 871 - The New Krypton series continues by Johns leading from the last weeks issue of Superman and the reappearance of Doomsday on a planet full of Kryptonians.
Kingdom Come Special: Superman - The Kingdom Come Superman of Earth 22 must finally come to grips with his place on our Earth. Alex Ross writes and does the art. Alex Ross is pretty Yellow Card with me, but this was great.
Green Lantern Corps 30: Sins of the Star Sapphire opens up! Another great arc leading up into next years Blackest Night. We officially have Green, Yellow, Red, Purple, and Blue on the color spectrum for lanterns! When they are all revealed...then black awakens!
the new magneto testament was good. We saw the first use of his powers.
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