Let's talk radio.
This morning a really good song came on by a band I did not know the name of. My guess was new Squarepusher, except it was a bit too bouncy for him. When the song ended, Hot Chip popped up, which I was glad about because knowing an artist before or after a song you don't know helps you pinpoint who it was when the DJ reads off the list of who they played in that block. Obviously. Ratatat was beforehand, so it was going to be easy. So, as I'm getting closer to work, the reception for WPRK started getting bad, as it usually does on beautiful, clear days, oddly enough. When Hot Chip ended, the DJ came on. "Good," I thought, "Now I'll get to know who that was before the reception goes all to hell." No chance. Here's what I got:
"Hey.........this is Juan [I think that's what he said] filling in for Anonymous.....mumble, mumble, mumble........ummmmm......yeeeaaaahhhhhhh.......ummmmmmm.........more mumbling......hear this song in the background? It's from Crono Trigger. I love that game..[Goes on to talk about the game and buying it]..okay so you just heard..." and that's when the static fully kicked in. God fucking damnit!!!!!!

"Shut up shut up shut up!!! Can you play The Fucking Champs?"
WPRK DJ's, if any of you are reading this, please take these points into consideration:
- Stop talking. Just fucking stop it. If I want to listen to talk radio, I'd turn on Real Radio or an AM frequency. When you play songs, don't take a million years to tell me who you played. Just tell me, for crissakes!!!!!! I don't care about your day. I don't care about your idiotic inside jokes. I don't want to hear you have conversations no one gives a shit about with other people in the studio.
- If you really must talk, ANNUNCIATE!!!!!!!! Stop with the mumbling. You are on the radio!!! If you're so bored with what you do, step aside and let someone like me who knows what they're doing take over.
- On the opposite end of the spectrum, CALM THE FUCK DOWN!! You're on Ritalin, we get it. You're a happy-go-lucky pixie of a person, we get it. You go home when your PRK shift is over and cry yourself to sleep because you have no friends due to the fact you're so completely over-the-top annoying, we get it. I don't know of anyone who wants to listen to the squirell chatter of someone who sounds as though they are about to eat the microphone and then explode in a hail of confetti and caffeine pills like some fucked up DJ pinata. Chill!!!!! You're on the radio, so you're already the center of attention. Stop overdoing it.

The next WPRK DJ
- If one of your most favorite songs is some whacked out, obscure Animal Collective song, chances are you shouldn't be playing music for a large audience.
Oi vey. This is one of those rare occasions where I can give a resounding "YES" if someone asks if I think I can do a better job. But this isn't just me. Most people I know complain about all this, too. This is the one radio station worth a damn when you want to listen to good music on the weekdays and it's usually filled with nonsensical banter or god forsaken Rollins basketball games no one gives 2 flying fucks about. Well, there's a happy ending to this story. Thank good ness for the WPRK website, because I was just able to look up what was played and it was 8 Bit Beats. I'm going to have to look them up because that was some fun shit. The DJ's whole block was pretty decent, but I'll bet I could have fit twice as many songs in. Why? Because me no talky-talky. I save the commentary for you beautiful people who I actually know are interested in my nonsense. I could keep going on about other things that bug me about 91.5, but let's just leave it at this for now. Of course, all will be forgiven if they play my songs if and when I finally get them finished and recorded.
Hang the DJ.

Don't look so sad, Plotkin. You're one of the good ones!!
As a post note, in defense of 91.5, when they do play songs, they're usually pretty amazing. Just look at the set lists from last night to the wee hours of this morning. Pretty fantastic stuff.