So, has anyone seen the screen shots from the upcoming Spike Jonez "Where the Wild Things Are" yet? Pure poetry.

How flippin cool does this movie look???? I mean, I'm sure we were all amazed by the Maurice Sendak classic as kids, but it just feels so good to be equally amazed with it as an adult when I look at these stills. It makes me want to put on an animal costume and run about like a little maniac.

But not like these weirdos. Never, ever like them.
Anyone see the "Wolverine: Origin" trailer? It looks like an interesting mash-up of the thousands of stories mulled up about who James "Logan" Howlett is and where his past took him. I still would have liked to see him with that crazy helmet on when he was first infused with Adamantium and went completley apeshit. In the trailer, he looks completely normal, just wet and mad. Ah whatever. I really want to give this movie a fair shot but there are certain things holding me back.
For one, I still have yet to let go of the clusterfucked blasphemy of the last X-Men film. I fully understand that the movies have the right to take their own path from the original source material for hundreds of different reasons, but what they did in that movie to the story and to the characters is fucking unforgivable. A 10-year old could have written a better and more faithful script and kept it within a 2-hour time frame. I could go on and on about "what I would have done," but I'll save that for another time. After that film and the ridiculous mess Rush Hour 3 was, Brett Ratner will forever remain on my shitlist.
For another, there seem to be way too many mutants and Wolverine characters. Silver Fox, Emma Frost, The Blob, Gambit, Deadpool, Stryker, Sabretooth, Cyclops (though, how he's in the film is beyond me since he was just a kid when the Weapon X Project was tooling around with the cannucklehead's bones), Storm, John Wraith, Zero, and Beak, to name a few. Wait, Beak?!?!? Fucking Beak?!?!?!?!?!??!? Okay, now they're really screwing with the timeline. And I'm kind of annoyed that I haven't seen Maverick nor Garrison Kane in the line-up.
Finally, I'm concerned about the casting of Liev Schreiber as Sabretooth. Sorry, but there is nothing at all about that man that says "feral, mutant, psychopathic killer." He looks like he'd rather order a rack of lamb with mint jelly as opposed to ripping out someone's guts with his teeth. Though, he's a pretty good actor, not to mention director, so we'll see how it pans out. I was wrong about Ledger, after all. Little known fact: his first name is pronounced "Lau," as in "bough." I never knew.

"A mauling?!? Oh, heavens no!! I said 'who wants to go to the mall?'"
I have to admit, though, that it is pretty cool that a lot of the cast are big comic book nerds. Ryan Reynolds has been working with David Goyer for a while to get Deadpool made (and a Goyer-penned Deadpool would be incredible), both Schreiber and Hugh Jackman are big Wolverine fans, and even the writer of the film is a comic book fan turned script-writer. The only thing that will screw this up is the director not knowing a whole lot about comics. However, what he's had to say about Wolverine has been pretty on-target and he seems to understand the gist of the character. I don't know. It's a comic book movie and even though the last few Hollywood has cranked out have been exceptionally amazing, there's still a huge margin for epic failure. I mean, Ryan Reynolds and Leiv Schreiber as psycopathic villains?? What's next? A fight between Wolverine and Ed Norton?

Whose D to I have to S to make this happen?
Which reminds me, has anyone been catching the Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk jokes that have been running rampant throughout the Ultimate books these last few months? They always catch me by surprise (because they're always so subtle) and they never fail to make me laugh. Rats Off to books without endings (*ahem* Steampunk!! *ahem*).

How's it gonna end? The world may never know.
saw those screen shots awhile ago. Love them. There is a you tube clip of a scene from the film floating around awhile back it might still be up. It was just a test but still cool to see where they were headed for this film.
been reading horror stories about studio interference based on some scared kids and angry parents at some test screenings. Which gives me a bad bad feeling of what could happen to it.
Liev Schreiber= scream 2 and 3
also 2 movies with ben affleck.
still alot of people wanted gambit in the x-men "movies", and i for one am stoked to see him.
hey have you seen dog soldiers? most underrated werewolf film of all time. when are they going to make another werewolf movie damnit?!!
miss u silver bullet
Oh, man, they had better not dumb down Wild Things. "Where the Mild Things Are." Or how about they do an R-rated version and throw Denise Richards and that Party of 5 chick in the mix to make out. That'll give the parents something to be pissed about.
Jon, I did see Dog Soldiers! I had a werewolf night and rented that and Ginger Snaps. Both, I thought, were surprisingly good. Especially Soldiers. It might have been the best low-budget werewolf film I've seen in the last 10 or so years. We are about due for another wolf film. But something cool and different, like Wolfen. Nothing beats blood-thirsty, mind reading wolves. Or another American Werewolf, just without completely raping it this time. I mean, Paris?!? Really?!?!? I'd take another Howling sequel over that nonsense any day. Way to screw up a good thing.
ginger snaps is dope. i saw either the prequel or sequel to it at one point. i forget which one though. american werewolf in paris was sooooooo bad. cmon, bush on the soundtrack? get real. the howling movies are funny cause you can practically see the makeup artists hand reaching to apply effects.
and no vampire/werewolf compromise b.s. the only reason anyone liked underworld was because of this:
although her hotness couldnt save van helsuck
damn im in a movie mood. im watching dark city, city of lost children, and metropolis today
Oooh! Good theme!!
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