We've seen some amazing things happen in 2008. A country become politically (and morally) divided even worse than it had in 2004, which I'm still a bit disgusted by.

A woman we haven't seen as such an unfit mother or human being since that chick who drowned her kids in her own car and blamed it on black people.

A cowboy.
A comedic disaster.

Some pretty good music.

Some amazing comic book movies (finally).

Some great comics, including the heart-breaking conclusion of Y: The Last Man.

And some great television (sorry, Heroes, better luck next year).

I know there are some shows that probably belong there, but there's just so much time in the day, ya know?
Oh, and let's not forget the fact that my team is ending the year at the top of the table in both the Premier League and Champions League!! Let's hope they keep it up through to May.

Even Stevie G is ending his year by being brought up on charges of starting a bar fight last week and somehow hospitalizing a DJ. The guy must have really sucked.
And I'm sorry to all of my female readers, but I'm going to be a total dude for just a moment and say that this is the absolute best Liverpool kit I've ever seen on anyone.

I hope 2008 was good to everyone, or, at least, better than '07. I know I had a pretty life-changing year with a new car, new job, new house, some new hobbies, a new blog, and a new outlook on life. Sure, there have been some hang-ups like reconciling a friendship with someone I love very much only to have it fall apart again, making an ass of myself on a couple of occasions, and not getting a teaching job, but what's life without a few snags, right? They just make you a stronger person in the end. Sometimes it's good luck we don't get what we want.
With a new prez, the economy imploding on itself, my new nephew on the way, Norman Osborne/The Green Goblin in charge of the entire Marvel Universe, the Ultimate Marvel Universe coming to an end, the Watchmen movie coming out this summer, the new Radio Dept full-length finally coming out, the new and second-to-the-last season of Lost coming on in a month, Liverpool possibly being the number one football team in all of Europe, and me with the possibility of moving out-of-state, just for starters, this upcoming year will be an interesting one, for sure.