While I wait for last night's Heroes to finish downloading, let's talk movies!!
I've seen lots of movies the past few days because I've laid up sick with what feels like the Bubonic Plague (and I got to miss Chuck Ragan, Tim Barry, and Ben Nichols perform at the Social, but I'll cry more about that when no one is looking). Pleasantly enough, a lot of what I saw was surprisingly good. Let's start with one for the kids.

Next Avengers!!!! So far, the animated movies Marvel has come outr with the past couple of years have been pretty damned entertaining. Ultimate Avengers, Ultimate Avengers 2, Iron Man, and Doctor Strange have all kept the basics of the comics and allowed themsleves to stray a bit from the path to keep the stories interesting and fresh, yet still stayed close to home so as not to completely ruin the true concepts of the characters (as the live-action films tend to do more times than not). This is why I was concerned when I first saw the add for Next Avengers.
Nowhere in Marvel comics history do these "Next Avengers" exist, which basically means that not only are they starting from scratch with unfamiliar characters, but they're messing with Marvel continuity. Usually not a big deal when it comes to the films, but I had a feeling this was just going to piss me right off, especially considering some great "young heroes" books they could have adapted such as the popular Young Avengers or Runaways. But, seeing as how it's a Marvel movie and I thought they were going to screw up Ultimate Avengers and didn't, I had to give it a shot.
First thing I noticed was Christopher Yost as the writer and Jay Oliva as the director, both of whom have done excellent work in the past. The story starts off with a history lesson as to who the Next Avengers are and how they came to be (basically, they're the offspring of the Avengers). From there, the movie goes into the whole "rights-of-passage" deal with the kids going up against Ultron and doing what their parents couldn't. Initially, I was unimpressed with what I was seeing. However, as the movie progressed I started to dig it more and more until finally I was my usual excited and giddy self when it comes to comic book tie-ins. One of the coolest things about the movie is that they allude to certain things that only true comic fans would get, like where Black Panther's son, Azari, gets his lightning powers. They never say, but I knoooooowwwwww!!!!! One of my favorite scenes is when young Hawkeye, leading his human team of rebels dubbed "Scavengers," shouts "Scavengers, Disappear" in his way of letting them know to fall back, paying homage to Captain America's call to arms. The movie had some great action sequences and some cool surprises. If you're looking for something fun and light and you need your geekbone tickled a bit, I'd definitely recommend this one. Just like when I finished watching the Doctor Strange animated film, I can't wait to see what Marvel Studios cooks up next.
I was going to write about more movies I watched this past week, but Heroes just finished downloading and I'm anxious as all hell to watch it. Rest assured, I'll be posting about The Mutant Chronicles, Little Manhattan (oddly enough for this blog), Speed Racer (gave me a boner), The Messengers, The X-Files: I Want to Believe, War Inc, and what a boring, trite piece of disappointing shit the new Mummy movie was.
Until then, *enter really cool closing line here*!
Did anyone notice my use of an image in this post? I'm getting better at this shit!
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