Hello everyone (all 8 of you). I've been my usual busy self for the last few months. Working 50 plus hour weeks, starting a pop punk band, working out (P90X does wonders, let me tell you), getting an amazing girlfriend (and living my fantasy of dating a super hot nurse) and then losing her to the wiles of Las Vegas and the general West, moving closer to downtown, attempting to sell most of my belongings in an attempt to streamline my life, and so on and so on and so on. I don't get much time anymore to do the things I truly love. I still read my comics and watch movies and play video games when I can (Lego Batman is the best time-waster ever, btw), but not to the extent I used to, which is what this blog was all about. I still enjoy writing, but I think I'm going to do it in another venue. One where Life is my subject matter as opposed to Pop Culture. There are already way too many blogs about that but none about me. So, I think I may abandon this blog to start anew. My life has been all about starting fresh lately and this is simply following suite. Or is it suit? Ah, whatever. When I decide on a clever name (maybe I'll call it "Shawn's Rad Blog"), I'll tell you where to go, if you're even interested. If I even do it.
In the meantime, look me up on Facebook. (I'm listed under "Shawn McNulty.") There are amazing pics and vids of me performing with my good friends Mumpsy at the Smashing Pumpkins tribute show that were just posted and another incredible video of me dressed as a drunk bee for an old Swirling Bees video. I get punched, drop kicked, and violated by a birthday cake. Oh yeah, and I puke. But not for real. Word.
In the meantime, please, please, please watch this movie when you get a chance. It comes out on DVD and Blu Ray this Tuesday and I think it's playing again at the Enzian at midnight this Friday and Saturday.