Look who's back. Actually it's more like look who's able to log onto his blog account at work again. I shouldn't even be doing this considering the fact I'm still swamped with massive amounts of work, but it's Friday, it's a quarter to 6, I'm supposed to be here for another hour, and the office is empty save for the custodial staff, none of whom can speak a lick of ingles. What the hell else am I going to do? Be productive?!? Eff that noise. I've been begging to get canned lately. I'm so utterly sick to death of this place, economy be damned.

Thanks to Boner Party, I just caught my first look at what Joanna Newsom looks like. I've never really been that into her. She just reminds me to much of Jodie Foster's Nell character when I hear her sing. I've always felt I'd like her more if I walked around in bare feet, wore flowers in my hair, fiddled with harmonicas, and had a vagina. But, Great Ceasar's Ghost, is she adorable! And surprisingly hot for a really skinny girl. Awesome hair, too. I have a thing for good hair. If I were her beau, I'd totally sit around and listen to her music. Of course, I'd have to tuck my Linus and Charlie Browns between my legs giving myself a mangina and smoke a lot of weed (perfectly explaining Andy Samberg). Sucks she lives in Wiiliamsburg (which, in my opinion, is something like the Jersey of Brooklyn).
Sometimes, when I have the ole Ipod on shuffle, something comes on that just makes me feel fucking awesome. Pearl Jam just popped on. Crazy Mary. It was about a minute into the song when I realized, "Holy shit. This is Pearl Jam. Man." Suddenly, I felt 10 different shades of rad, mildly missing 1993 and how cool I thought I was back then. I just sat here loving on some Vedder and getting all into drinking the bottle, drinking it down, and passing it around with Victoria Williams. Then some new Cave Singers came on for the PJ afterparty and totally chilled me the fuck out and brought me back to 2009. I used to have a Pearl Jam "Jeremy" shirt. Man, I fucking loved that shirt.

Go to the Enzian and watch "A Serious Man." It was amazing. Don't worry, Roger Deakins is back as the Coens' DP. And if you don't like this film, there is little hope for you.
Oh, and one more thing. Stephen King's Under the Dome = hooolyyyyyyyy shit! It is that good. It has some of the best character developement I've read in a long, long time. Of course, 1,074 pages and 30 years of development kind of allows you to expand and elaborate a bit.